Social Media Packages
to help boost your online profile
Some people think that’s all social media is
Sure, there’s a load of that. We go on social media to connect with each other, friends and family. Whilst we’re there, plenty of us happen across, engage with, talk to and find out about businesses, brands and communities that interest us. Make us laugh. Make us think. We’ll rightly ignore those that don’t put the effort in. As a brand, get it wrong and we’re intruders. Getting in the way of scrolling bliss. Get it right though, if you’re genuine, authentic and fun to interact with, over time you’ll build engagement with your prospects.

For many businesses, having a social media presence is one of those things you feel you have to do. So maybe it doesn’t get the resource or thinking time it needs. It ends up being ineffective and your audience gets turned off.
You’re too pushy, too friendly, too salesy or, heaven forbid, too boring.
We want to help local businesses build a social media identity that fits their brand and tone of voice. But crucially, one that engages its audience. Otherwise, what’s the actual point?

Get a copy of our Social media packages booklet
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